
A garden which grows true to its own laws is not a wilderness, yet not entirely artificial either.


Grow grasses, mosses, bushes, flowers, and trees in a way which comes close to the way that they occur in nature: intermingled, without barriers between them, without bare earth, without formal flower beds, and with all the boundaries and edges made in rough stone and brick and wood which become a part of the natural growth.

… with terracing in place and trees taken care of - Terraced Slope (169), Fruit Trees (170), we come to the garden itself - to the ground and plants. In short, we must decide what kind of garden to have, what kind of plants to grow, what style of gardening is compatible with both artifice and nature.

Include no formal elements, except where something is specifically called for by function - like a greenhouse Greenhouse (175), a quiet seat - Garden Seat (176), some water - Still Water (71), or flowers placed just where people can touch them and smell them - Raised Flowers (245)

Reference for full-text of Pattern: p. 801high-confidence